

Public Service Review: European Science and Technology, Issue 9
Excellence meets excellence
Carmen de Jong.

Werdenberg Yearbook 2011 05.10.10
Climate oasis Werdenberg in an energy autonomous region – unavoidable future

Peter Droege. [german]

St. Galler Tagblatt 01.09.10
Bodenseeregion bald energieautonom


Zentrum für Transformation der Bundeswehr 07.10
Peak Oil - Sicherheitspolitische Implikationen knapper Ressourcen

German Defense Forces Study warns of dramatic oil crisis. [german]

HSE Beileger 18.09.2010
Im Fokus: zukunfts.energie


Consumer Energy Report 02.09.2010
Leaked Study on Peak Oil Warns of Severe Global Energy Crisis

Robert Rapier.

Südkurier 12.08.2010
Es geht mit Wasser, Wind und Sonne


German Government Ministry  05.2010
Corporate Finance and Climate Protection: A Beneficial Alliance

Hans-Josef Fell.

World Future Council 03.10
100%Renewable Energy -and Beyond- for Cities

This document sketches out the options and the processes that have started to transform urban energy systems and that will power our cities in the very near future.

BMU 11.02.2010
Grundsatzrede von Dr. Norbert Röttgen an der Berliner Humboldt-Universität

Der deutsche Umweltminister Dr. Norbert Röttgen spricht über die 100% erneuerbare Zukunft. [german]

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research 05.11.09
Schellnhuber briefs UN on Tipping Elements and Budget Approach
“The window of opportunity to avert the most serious impacts of climate change is closing rapidly,” Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and chair of the German government’s Advisory Council on Global Change.


Scientific American Magazine 26.10.0
A Plan to Power 100 Percent of the Planet with Renewables

Wind, water and solar technologies can provide 100 percent of the world's energy, eliminating all fossil fuels. Here's how.
Mark Z. Jacobson and Mark A. Delucchi