BAER - Bodensee/Lake Constance-Alpine Rhine Valley Energy- and
Climate Region
October 2009 to October 2012
Project Institution:
Institute of Architecture and Planning
Main Research:
Sustainable Planning and Construction
Field of Research:
Spatial Planning
Applied research to develop renewable energy to address regional
climate change and energy risks: an initiative of the University of
Liechtenstein, the University of St Gallen, the Hochschule Konstanz,
the Hochschule for Technology in Rapperswil as well as ZHAW
Winterthur. The project is supported by the Internationale
Bodensee-Hochschule IBH.
Reference to Practice:
Development-oriented goals -
1. The goal of the project is to build on the research and teaching
capacity of the Lake Constance universities and, to be sure, employ
knowledge areas related to energy resource risks and climate change.
As such, the project will strive for the development and growth of a
research and communications network.
2. Throughout the course of the project, the public should be informed about project milestones, results and directions through goal-focused communications strategy.
3. Date and information collection should take place so as to
enrich the specific knowledge areas and contribute to the overall
capacity {of participants to reduce their environmental footprint}.
Content Goals -
1. The framework of the project should allow for the Lake Constance
region to explore technical, organizational and economic
possibilities for shifting to dependence on renewable energy. This
includes preliminary inquiry into the social, economic and
ecological potential, benefits and costs represented by new
economic, technological and institutional development possibilities.
Special attention should be given to the alternatives for regional
development, city development and architecture.
2. Further, regional and local effects/ consequences of climate change in the Lake Constance region should be evaluated using the most robust science. Likewise, the effects of generating renewable energy shall be thoroughly investigated.
3. Moreover, the risks and possible effects of the global oil shortage, from oil dependency risks and climate change and from the advisable reduction of coal-supplied electricity for the Lake Constance region, would be modeled/ portrayed.
- Renewable energy
- Market research
- Sustainable design
- Regional development planning
- Solar architecture
Anticipated beneficiaries:
- Scientific community
- International University of Lake Constance
- Participating universities
- Society in general
- Interested groups worldwide